All Parish Councils are required to have a number of policies adopted by their members. Some are reviewed annually, some less frequently. 

The main policies include the Code of Conduct, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Publications and Data Protection, Risk analysis and Grants. 

There are also internal policies for staff management and Councillors and staff development, policies for equality and diversity and policies regarding the GDPR and transparency code. 

Code of Conduct - reviewed June 2022

CODE OF CONDUCT In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 ss 26 to 37, all Councillors must observe a local Code of Conduct to ensure high standards in the way they undertake their official duties. At the meeting of 23 June 2022, Badingham Parish Council adopted the new Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2020, as produced by the Local Government Association (LGA). The aim of the new code is for it to be adopted by all levels of local government which effectively makes it a national Code. It is hoped that all councils across England will move to the Councillor Code of Conduct developed by the LGA, following extensive consultation. The LGA have also produced Notes for Guidance, which all Councillors have a link to, providing useful interpretation of the Code.

Powers Delegated to the Clerk / RFO

Specifies the responsibilities of the Clerk and also includes authority, in conjunction with the Chair, or Vice Chair in their absence, to act on any minor planning applications that fall outside of the meeting window.

Statement in Regard to Internet Banking

Protocol for the use of Internet Banking

Village Strategic Plan

Privacy Statement - update April 2023

Badingham Parish Council is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and takes data protection and privacy seriously. The ICO can be contacted on

Model Publication scheme reviewed Sep 2023

Data Protection Information & Management Policy updated Sep 2023

Grant Funding Policy Sep 23

Standing Orders March 2024

Financial Regulations March 2024

Asset Register March 2024

The Asset Register is reviewed and updated annually

CIL Statement to 31 March 2024

Annual CIL statement to 31 March 2024

ICO Registration Certificate

Data Protection Registration Certificate

Risk Analysis - reviewed May 24

The risk analysis lays out the risks and the remedies and strategies to avoid the risks to the Parish Council.

Internal Control Statement for year ending 31 March 2024

The Parish Council conducts its own internal control review bi-annually as part of the process to ensure everything is kept in good order.